Your Last Letter

by ~ ImA RiDe Or DiE Fa HyM !! ~   Jun 4, 2006

There's something i want 2 say, but i cant speak.
I'm tired of being so weak.
Falling as every second turns into what seems like an hour.
I feel like the dead petals hanging from a flower.
I hide my memory's in a drawer so I don't have to deal with them any more.
I cant believe it turned out this way,
Why did are hearts have to turn so gray?
Knowing that we threw it all away,
I'm walking alone just like a stray.
I miss all the good times we had together,
threw the good and the bad weather.
I realize all my mistakes now.
I no I broke my vow.
I would give anything for you to forgive me, even my kidney.
So baby this is my letter to you,
to tell you how much I've grew.
I learn more about my self as every day goes by.
I write to you and hope for a reply.
I no i turned your heart sour
I no I'm the reason why everything was devoured.
But please give me a second chance, please give me one last glance.
One last glance at us with out any fuss.
I just want you to know i miss you so much, I miss your soft touch, i miss everything about us.
I always said I'm going to love you no matter what, i always said you would be my peanut.
I'm going to standby and never say goodbye,
I'm not going anywhere till i get your one last reply.

~ This is about my baby that is locked up im styll waiting for you baby !!! ~


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  • 18 years ago

    by X~Angie~X

    Wow i can honestly relate to that.. the guy i lvoe will never love me bak... adn htis jus reminded me of it.. cuz hes my ex and i miss him.. but great poem. very emotional.. i really like it. keep it up
    take care
    luve angie

  • Good poem i liked it alot cant say no more i give u a 5/5 ~kristina~

  • 18 years ago

    by REAL LYFE

    This is a very good poem keep up tha good work can i add u to my favorites i always like 2 ask frist


  • 18 years ago

    by SaveMe?

    Wow lovley poem
    your a very good writer =]
    you got style =]
    anywyas very good!
    great work keep it up

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