Comments : In Islam

  • 18 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Upon reaching its highest peak
    I did pick a place
    And then I sat.
    I opened my mind
    And I stared back
    At my very own reflection
    Of a distant recollection
    Lit by a blessed and shining light
    Of glowing divinity

    ^^^ Eirisa I definatly Loved that stanza! I just love when poets use imagery in their work to where I am picturing what your writing about!

    Loved the last stanza as well...I felt so dumb..I loved how you started and I'm thinking how she gunna end this? Well duh you started off at the resting place wouldnt you end at the resting place? haha drrr!

    Completly loved this poem even though I'm not your religion and dont know to much about it! I admire when people write about their faith...but you should already know I admire you!

    I like how you made this into your own style as well....pretty nifty!
    Stick to faith Titta, thats what you always tell me! :-)
    Chelsey (bubba titta)

  • 18 years ago

    by Tyler

    Very good poem, nice work you're a gifted writer

  • 18 years ago

    by Lovely Bones

    I love the beautiful descriptions in this poem. Even though I am a Christian, I love the Muslim people and their culture (if that is the correct way to say it). I hope to learn a great deal about it in the future :)

    God Bless,

  • 18 years ago

    by Just That Girl

    That was the best way anyone could describe Islam, mashaallah its soo wonderful, it trurly discribes the feelings that i feel, i really loved it and while reading it i felt happines! Beautifully writtin i swear!
    inshaalllah i'll chek out more of your poems for it seems to me that you're a very talented poet...
    take care..
    haya 3gab =]

  • 18 years ago

    by Princess Tamara

    I really loved your poem very pretty, im a muslim so i wanted to say that if ur not a beliver u should belive.

  • 17 years ago

    by ThugPoet

    Alhamdulillaah. All praise is due to the One God. Very beautiful poem mashaAllaah. It really moved me for sure. I plan to check out more of your stuff, please read my poem 'I Found My Place' and let me know what you think. Be always in a state of Eemaan, ukhtee.

    Your humble brother in Islaam.

  • 17 years ago

    by Mezmeryz

    Wow, this was truely a beautiful masterpiece! you explained Islam and your beliefs in depth, it was a really pleasant read! mashallah!
    nuff luv x

  • 17 years ago

    by Sarah

    I love this poem mashallah keep it up! Stop by mines and plz comment..

  • 17 years ago

    by Sarah

    This is the most beautiful poem I ever ready..bismallah mashallah..very well written..u have done a great job!

  • 17 years ago

    by elmahdy

    So nice poem i really loved it the way u described it is so amazing. keep going u r so talented

  • 16 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    Aww, how refreshing is this poem. you made my day by this poem. thank you

    islam says welcome to you and so am i ^_^

  • 15 years ago

    by Dark Secrets

    Great write... it portrays faith in every aspect and side, and your words were just wonderful.
    Whatever it is people need to believe in something and I'm glad that you have joined us in islam... good luck

  • 13 years ago

    by TotaMariee

    Mashallah i will say my shehadah in 4 days inshallah :)