My Torture

by stacy   Jun 5, 2006

Pull The Wire Around Your Neck
Pull It Tight Suffocate
Gag Yourself With Shards Of Steel
You Don't Realize The Pain You Should Feel

Cut Yourself With A Razor
Fill The Tub With Alcohol
Feel The Burn Cause It Feels Good
As You Scream With Pleasure

Cause You Aren't Bleeding Just For The Attention
No Deary It's Much More Than That

Pull The Trigger Quick
End My Tortured Life

No I'm Not Messed Up Or Crazy I Just Thought Since I Was Once "Suicidal" Maybe I Could Write Poems To Explain "They Way I Felt"


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  • 18 years ago

    by Genevieve

    Your piece is crazy! (and i mean that in a good way) Your explanations are perfect. You did a great job, keep it up!