The unbeautiful one

by Kallie   Jun 6, 2006

I wish i could see me through your eyes,
See me as you see me,
And not how i see me,
I want to see myself as beautiful,
Like you say i am,
But when i look into the mirror,
I cannot help but wonder what it is you see in me,
I don't see a beautiful person,
In fact i don't even see a pretty person,
I see a girl who isn't even very pretty at all,
Who has so many things wrong with her,
She wouldn't even know what to began with,
I don't see the beautiful person you see,
I only wish i could see her,
You tell me i am perfect as i am,
I wish i could see everything through your eyes,
It would make life so much easier and wonderful to see me as you do,
Sometimes i wonder if it's even really me your actually looking at,
Cause i don't understand how you see what i cannot,
I can only wish to see me as you see me,
And i don't think that wish will be coming true anytime soon.

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  • 18 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    This is really good i loved it thnx for commenting on my poems jus returnin the favour welldone love xxxx