I No Longer Care (just a vent)

by Raychil   Jun 6, 2006

I gave up on caring
A long time ago
It got me no where in life
And now I'm letting go

I don't care anymore
Tell anyone who knows me lies
I have made myself feel immune
I made the perfect disguise

My heart has given up
I have finally gone numb
There's no more use for this smile
It's over-rated and dumb

Why smile when I can just be there
I'll hold no expression at all
My emotions have met there limit
This is the last time I'll recover my fall

They say everyone stumbles
And has their bad days
But while I fall and hit the ground
Sanity of mind slowly slips away

But thats ok, no one will notice
I can go on doing what I please
Even this blade that will mark my wrist
No one will notice as it bleeds

Even as I'm writing
Tears are falling down my face
And I no longer care
Besides, their stains will erase

But even these words you see
As I write, I know I'm lying
I guess I know I'm just fooling myself
Why else...would I be crying?

*I know its not good, I just needed to vent...


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  • 18 years ago

    by MemoirsOfMe

    Its very very good. I often see vent poems are the most deepest, have the most raw emotion while your reading it because you know what it feels like, and your feelings defintely shined through to the reader. It flowed magnificently... and I loved each and every stanza because each and every stanza had this meaning, simple, yet so profound to the human mind if your in that position. Excellent!

  • 18 years ago

    by uponfairywings

    I think this poem is extremely good and I loved it!
    xoxoxo Haley