Beautiful stranger

by lonely cry   Jun 6, 2006

Beautiful Stranger

You jump from the building
The rope pulls hard as your final breath leaves
The raven’s call echoes in the distance.
The look in your eyes cannot be read.
Is it fear, pain, or sorrow?
I have never seen you, and yet,
I know your face.
So pale and lifeless
Your pale green eyes reflect the love that I felt,
I don’t know you,
So why do I love you?
Why was my heart torn when you died?
Your eyes are like a window
A window that has been opened to me at last.
I don’t know you, so why the pain?
Why the need to die with you?
Your body slowly sways in the wind,
Your eyes focused on nothing.
Your beautiful face slowly fades
As I wake up crying,
And wishing you were here.
A beautiful stranger.


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  • 18 years ago

    by KayTOTS

    To me, the most important lines of a poem are the last ones cuz they are supposed to make an impact and leave and impression... and your last line definately did.

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