The Perfect Little Girl

by TinyDancer46   Jun 6, 2006

The Perfect Little Girl

How happy this girl seems to be
Smiling for the world to see
Perfection seems to be her name
In this never-ending game

Laughing so the world won't know
That this smile's just for show
Walking with her head held high
So nobody will see her cry

How perfect her whole life appears
Seeming happy through the years
Using smiles and laughs and jokes
To hide the heart that has been broke...

And tonight she'll lock her bedroom door
Collapsing down onto the floor
With smeared mascara on her face
Praying she could leave this place...

But tomorrow's just another day
That she'll wipe the tears away
Another day for this sad girl
To fake a smile and fool the world

© Nicole Mecham


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  • 9 years ago

    by Em

    Sounds like me alot. ðŸ˜' wel written

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet Disposition

    5/5. You're my favourite of all the poets on this site because you write exactly how I feel. I know people think I have a perfect life because I'm always smiling and always appear to be happy and perfect on the outside, but it's different on the inside. You make me feel better when I read your poems, because you write what I try to get out but just can't. Thank you.

  • 18 years ago

    by sarahAnn

    Wow. is all i have to say.

  • You keep making me don't.

  • 18 years ago

    by DamagedGoods

    Ive been through alot alatley n this really does remind me of myself :P

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