This is how I Feel.

by Lithium   Jun 7, 2006

I wanna touch your heart and feel it beat,
I wanna feel the warmth inside,
I wanna see the look on your face,
When I stand at your side,

I wanna hear you breathe,
I wanna say I love you,
And I wanna hear you say,
I love you too,

You're so contagious but I can't let go,
There something about you I can't resist,
Each time I come back for more,
I'm addicted to your kiss,

Read my lips you know what I want,
The moment's intense taking over me,
I dare not speak for I'm lost,
In this passion you see,

Tainted love upon my skin,
You see the signs I behold,
A heart for a heart,
Now a hand to hold,

All the times we held each other,
Our bodies embraced as one,
I've never loved you more,
Our journeys just begun.

Dedicated to Scott Clarke. I love you.

Wrote on June 7th, 2006
© Samantha Jayne Reed


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  • 18 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Yet again a great dedication for ur love, i am sure many readers must be getting jealous after reading ur
    great poem dear
    all the best and take care

  • 18 years ago

    by SammiBABY

    Amazing!!! keep writing girl, they keep getting better :)

    sammi xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie

    This was really good. I don't know why it's been downvoted. I loved the first stanza, It was my fav part. Awesome job! 5/5


    P.S. I used to know a guy called Scott Clarke. Tehe

  • 18 years ago

    by CourtneyLouxxx

    Sexy!!! this is sweet, he must feel special!!!!!