So-Called "Best Friends"

by LOST iN LOVE   Jun 7, 2006

If you're my so-called best friend
Why do you keep bringing this to an end?
You say all kinds of things that make me cry,
and you leave me wishing I would just die
You've made me so depressed,
It's to the point where I don't even want to get out of bed and get dressed
I miss the way you used to be,
When I loved you, and you loved me
I can't pretend I don't care anymore
And I can't hide it because we've been best friends since we were four
But it looks like you're locking the door
So I guess that means I have to let go
I just want you to know,
I will still love you so


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  • 17 years ago

    by Serene Raindropz

    Yea people change sometimesfor good and other times for worst. A friendz betryal hurtz a lot and may take time to forgive but over all you could still have love for i really think this poemz iz tellz the truth..gud job :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Sara

    Wow!...that was really good...ive had a couple of friends who Ive had forever move on...but remember that the ones who stay with you forever are the ones who you will always cherish

  • 18 years ago

    by Erica Jovie©

    I CAN TOTALLY RELATE!!! you write very freely and it fits together very well. Keep praying, God will get you through anything! ~erica jovie

  • 18 years ago

    by May

    It's so sad when friends move on and change. This is a great poem! -May