If Only, If Only

by aDORKable x3   Jun 7, 2006

If Only, If Only
The hollow man cried
I could be full of this life
And not have to die

If Only, if Only
The penguin sighed
My wings would carry me
So that I could fly

If Only, If Only
The sky would be blue
So that everyday was spent
Standing there with you

If Only, If Only
The drunken fool yelled
I can't stand this life
And I'm going to hell

If Only, If Only
The lonely man weeped
My love for another
Has yet to seep

If Only, If Only
A teenager screamed
As his parents turned around
And began to leave

If Only, If Only
The cast-out thought
One simple friend
Whose hands were not wrought

If Only, If Only
The young child whined
I had better parents
Who would give me a dime

If Only, If Only
The writer once said
To be rid of this life
Get it out of my head

If Only, If Only
The stranger teared
If I would've tried harder
Would not have been feared

If Only, If Only
You screamed onto me
That we could be different
If you would just let me be

If Only, If Only
I cried onto the bed
I would recant everything
Everything I had said

If Only, If Only
The words, not so harsh
Would not weigh me down
As a log in the marsh

If Only, If Only
I had the courage to ask
For a friend like you
Is that such a hard task

If Only, If Only
You would finally know
All these things
I swore not to show

If Only, If Only
I could count on a friend
And not to get hurt
Once again in the end

If Only, If Only
We got what we fought
Then the life lessons not learned
Would have been uselessly taught

If Only, If Only
You came back to thee
Then forever I'll stay
And just be me


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  • 17 years ago

    by Christie

    I completely love this poem. =) my favourite stanza:

    "If Only, If Only
    I cried onto the bed
    I would recant everything
    Everything I had said"

    this one really stood out when i read it, filled with emotion and hinting at words unsaid.

    congrats on a great poem 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Melissa S. Masucci

    I love how in such short stanzas you can show a window into so many situations in so many different lives. it's beautiful.

  • 18 years ago

    by Corruption

    Wow this is really good i like how u described the people who said if only if only and thx for the comments