X stole x

by nikita fallaize   Jun 8, 2006

Ok im gunna say now that this may not go very wel but i dnt care the message needs 2 get across to every1 !! its not exactly a poem but o well ! ok .x.x..x.x.x.x.

he was a quiet boy
with good potentional
didnt have any friends
but that didnt stop him

what did he ever do to you ?
nothing that was the thing
you took his life away
from him

maybe if you had jus said hi
it wuld of stopped this from happnin
he was tierd of having a life
full of bullys in his family and at skool..

why does this world have bullys reli?
to teach us a lesson
what lesson ? is there even a lesson reli ..

if you bully some1 jus stop and think how wuld u like it done 2 you
i no u think wateva but if u actualli stop and think .. you will see that it aint anythin 2 be proud of if that person kills them self its because you were 1 of the people bullyin them but wot did they do to you ? nothin .. den y take der life ? althought u didnt phisically do it u killed him mently.. he jus finished the job.. next time u bully sum1 think of that.. 1 word culd push them ova the edge because u dnt no wot they have been or are goin thru so ur jus 1 word culd kill them .. member dat .. listern to kelly rowlands stole u wil change ur mind i certainly did !

bulling is murder of the brain !!

thanks x x x x x


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