Lost in a game

by nicole   Jun 9, 2006

Damn i wonder so freelly lost in trance under a spell i wonder if i could break free from it or do i even really want too so many chances lost them all why did i keep playing the same game only to lose again i heard the words spoken that guy he sounded diffrent so i fell in love with him but didnt the other ones sound diffrent too what made this one so special i couldnt figure out but i just kept on falling more and more in love with him see. why do i keep playing the love game only to lose i dont see me ever winning so many players and so many times we hope for a diffrent out come but really why do we keep falling for the sweet lines is it that were looking to hard or maybe were hoping this one will be diffrent for me i still cant find the answer because im in love again but this time will the out come be diffrent or will he be just another player will i win this one or will i strike out again only time will tell


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