
by Jessica   Jun 9, 2006

Every time we talk about this
One of ends up
Crying or storming off..

I do not like the idea
I do not like the change
I do not want to do this..

I am sorry that I am negative
But I just can't help it
I am nervous and my feelings
Are all over the place..

I can't think about
Leaving my friends
Leaving my life
And starting over..

It is just too scary
Too real
And the terror that it creates
Makes me act this way..

I know this is best for me
And best for us
But my life is here
And I do not want to change
Anything about it..

I just do not know..
I am still in shock
I still do not quite believe
But I know I shall have to
And I would prefer
Sooner rather than later..

So I better start now,
And know that
Wherever I go, no matter how far
I will always remember
These friends and this life..


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sean Allen

    The repitition was pretty well done throughout the poem, but sometimes I felt like you may have taken it a line too far. In any case, good poem about the confusion of leaving, possibly after school ends... not sure about that part.

  • 18 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Awwww how sad. i kno the feeling. very gr8 poem, so much emotion! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by vika

    Hey dis is a gr8 poem!i will relli miss u jessy! i kno its relli tuff 2 leave everythin so pergect n leave! bt chnges r a part of our lif! luve it!

  • 18 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Yeah, i liked this one and it was good, you have talent. I think your words are wonderful.

  • 18 years ago

    by MudkipzPlx

    Lovely poem. Brillently done. As said before. Talented.

    Comment Done By The «¤And We Write¤» Team. Enjoy!