
by Brittney Follett   Jun 9, 2006

* okay before you complain in my comments that i dont have any quotes or apostrophes .. i cant do them when i submit poems. Okay? okay. * Enjoy.

I see her there on the floor,
Crying for love and something more,
Her father is drunk and in the house,
Shes trying to be small, just like a mouse.

He stumbles in and sees her there,
She looks to the door, Dont even dare.
She ignores the warning and starts to run.
Her dad grabs her, Lets have some fun.

He picks her up, throws her to the wall.
He laughs in glee to see her crawl.
He makes a fist and beats her there,
Its too much for her mind to bear.

Her world goes black, her father leaves,
She wakes up then, her lunch she heaves.
It hurts to move; her mouth is swollen.
Shes just fourteen and her lifes been stolen.

Her eyes are filled with tears of hate.
Im sorry child, that I was too late.
She cannot see me, but can hear my voice,
I sing a song that implies a deadly choice.

She is convinced right then and there.
She walks out of her room without a care.
Her dad is sitting on the floor,
He looks up and says, Ready for more?

Behind her back, she has a gun.
Her precious life is almost done.
She points the gun, straight at his head.
She pulls the trigger and hes dead.

She walks into school, with long sleeves on,
Her makeup makes the bruises gone.
Shes in the hall, and afraid of men.
She pulls out the gun, and counts to ten.

She takes her last breath, puts the gun to her head,
She pulls the trigger and is finally dead.
Her bullet got me too, right through my heart.
I cry as I bleed as my world falls apart.

I wake to see God above; Ive died so many times.
Im just an Angel of Death, committing evil crimes.
You were her guardian and you killed her.
Life just sucks then, doesnt it sir?

I stare at his eyes; I feel her pain.
Why did you tell her that? To make her insane?
She should be thanking me her father beat her.
I hold my stomach my mind is a blur.

Her father was there to make her strong.
She was there to right all wrong.
Now she cant save all those precious lives.
The pain is worse; I hear their cries.

God picks me up and rips my angel wings.
I scream in pain, my ears start to ring.
Im sending you to hell, where you belong.
Youre Satans Angel, Ive known all along.

I laugh and say he knows nothing,
My smile disappears I see something
My little girl, the one I killed, is staring at me.
Those haunting eyes will never let me be.

Demon wings grow from my back, its about time.
They come from god when you commit a crime.
The girl is mine; the rules are in play.
God has, finally, nothing more to say.

The rules are if an Angel of Hell kills a girl from Earth,
That girl is hers, sealed with the end of her birth.
I grab her wrist tell her its for the best,
The pain it causes me, lies in my chest.

This girl doesnt know whats going on,
All she feels is pain and it will never be gone.
Her life is forever changed; Itll never be the same
She was lucky to have me. My angel was insane.

Satan was my angel; In memory I start to cry,
He brought me so much pain; I wanted to die.
He tortured me until I could no longer scream,
Compared to me, hers will be a wonderful dream.

I take her to hell, through the gates we walk.
We cant stop now, not even to talk.
I show up at his palace, memories flash fast.
I tell myself its safe now, that it is the past.

Walking through the halls, I can still hear my screams.
It was so long ago and it still haunts my dreams.
Satan has no mercy, has no love, he is my master.
We pause at his door my memories spin faster.

** my poem is too long to fit in one, go to Death part two **

Thank you so much!! Sick. &. Tired. Of. Waiting. !! you inspired me to write this :) its my best work i've ever done!

Copyright Brittney Follett


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  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    You amaze me with every line, I'm speechless, this poem is so powerful and unique, you have great imagination. You're becoming one of my favorite authors on this site, I love your pieces. This is written with amazing creativity, I like it from the beginning to the end. Imagery in the whole poem is superb, greatly created.

  • 18 years ago

    by in.need.of.a.lucky.charm

    I love this, its very intruging, maybe you could use little astericks (*) as quotation marks? just to make it a lil easier to read, anyway, well done, once again you show your beautiful talent

    much love and many kisses,

  • 18 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    Wow.. this poem is really amazing.. the rhyme is great and it really tells a story well.. there were a couple of flowing problems here and there but nothing making it compliucated to read.. nice job!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni

    Wow. this is a very strong story. it's very descriptive and there are very vivid mental images in my mind. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by ForeverGoneInYourEyes

    Nicely done it kept me well entertained 5/5 loved how u could rhyme that much

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