Now i dont know what to do.

by XxSilentScreamsxX   Jun 11, 2006

In the beginning,
it was a dream come true,
you loved me,
and i loved you,
but something happened,
now i don't know what to do.

It was so hard,
to see you with her,
i cried myself to sleep,
cuz of the thought of her laying next to you.

I regret ever pushing you away,
it scared me to get to close to you,
maybe you never loved me at all,
maybe I'm not meant to be loved,
but i felt loved for once in my life,
by you and only you.

She is now you "new" love,
how can i compete with that,
i cant give you what you deserve,
i cant hold you till the sun rises,
or kiss you while you watch your soaps,
i will hurt you,
and thats what scares me the most.

I had my chance with you.
now thats gone,
and i will wake every morning,
thinking of you,
and how i lost my chance to be happy.

I saw you the other day,
it killed me to see you so happy,
she made your life meaningful,
and all i die was hurt you.

i know i should be crying about this,
I've done this to myself,
but if i had the chance to go back,
baby i promise there will be no more hurt.

In the beginning,
it was a dream come true,
you loved me,
and i loved you,
but something happened,
now i don't know what to do.

*please comment my poem if you liked it.. ill comment back!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Samantha klukas

    I really did like this poem i felt the same way at one point...its very meaningful i rally liekt his poem and everyone is meant to be loved even the ones who hurt us all


  • 18 years ago

    by TooLittleTooLate..♥

    Really good poem
    keep writing
    can really relate to it :(
    things will get better hopefully
    please comment on mine