
by Misz Luving You   Jun 11, 2006

You are a wonderful person
with an amazing mind

I love the way you think and
see things.

You listen so well and always have
an anwer to everything.

You seem to always make things perfect. Every word you speak and every felling you have i know its real.

Your heart is beautiful and giving. You would do anything to make me happy or smile. I know if i ever needed you. You would be their.

Sometimes i think i\\\'m living a dream and any second im going to wake up from this fantasy of mine.

But i know this dream is real and so are my feelings for you

You have made me a better person and have changed me for the better to

You are my tru love in my life and i will never let lyou fade.

My friend wrote it and i thought everything she felt she wrote it nicely in this poem


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