You're selfish.
Don't care about how someone else feels.
You're ignorant.
Don't realize the world around you.
You're rude.
Don't need to know how others think.
You're stupid.
Don't bother to learn.
These things are how i would define you,
knowing only your negative side
But I would like to say that you cause me happiness and be able to prove it.
Clouded by suffering
my judgment is impaired
I might have loved you somewhere in time
But I seem to have lost that memory
I feel something for you so badly my world revolves around you.
I know I don't know how i feel around you.
Give me something to believe in.
Something to hold on to.
yeah it's bad...
How do I convert my emotions into words while I hurt?
Language lacks the words I need to define me.
My deepest thoughts, and my hurting.