The special old man

by Jacqui Armstrong   Jun 12, 2006

They say as a new person comes into the world,
That someone is taken away.
That with life comes death and grief,
And now I know that's the way.

As a new baby boy was brought into the world,
Like a new star born into the sky.
A special old man is fading away,
Like a supernova; say goodbye.

Young child close your eyes and dream sweet dreams,
Of what will be in your years to come.
And special old man close your eyes tonight,
And try your best to hold on.

All part of the same family,
And only a few miles apart.
Special old man hold on tonight,
Find the strength within your heart.

For the child born earlier today,
Made you again a great grandpa.
So special old man hold on tonight.
To meet the newborn star.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Lizaveta

    Omg this so sad and so touching
    i like how stanxas are put together, very logically
    and yeah written with lots of emotions i guess
    i'll add it to my favs

  • 17 years ago

    by Veamm


    I like the imagery of this piece, it flowed nicely and the concept is great!

    keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by Andrew Morton

    "They say as a new person comes into the world,
    That someone is taken away."

    The cycle of life, brilliantly put...its a sad story but something that we all have to deal with at some point...great job capturing that..

    This is completely random, but if you get the chance, check out one of the "live" population'll see it jump by 3/second, and this is with deaths included in the equation..just thought it was neat

  • 17 years ago

    by Reminders Torture

    This was so sad!!I love the way you have written this!!The imagery was good and the flow was even better!!!You have really described it well!!
    All the best
    And take care.

  • 17 years ago

    by Momentary Relapse

    Okay it's the imagery that drew me in. The words were awesome. And let's see there's soemthing else that was interesting about it. The idea...about life and death was really cool and the birth and foreshadowed death applied to this well.