Comments : First love...a.k.a. `For a minute there I lost myself`

  • 21 years ago

    by Michelle

    WOWWWW this is a phenomenal poem...I absolutely loved it...the first part more than the last, but that's just the romantic in me. I can't get over your use of all of the words that I wish I could think of..I have the same old rhymes, time after time, and you just come up with brilliant words to put things into such clear focus...terrific job! Luv, Michelle :)

  • 21 years ago

    by Danielle

    OMg, that was a great poem, it was beautiful and very well written, I loved it like alwasy, i hpoe that you write more very soon, bye!! If you end up reading my poems, I'm just letting you know...DO NOT read my love poems, they're just not good, Sad Depressing stuff is what I write, and that's what I'm good at, They all have high ratings, and They're stuff that i thought you would like to read...I was just lettin ya know, cuz the stuff I have been writing lately is Love poems, and they're all in the beginning, so I figured if you read the ones in the beginning, you'd lose interest sayhin i'm not good, but please belive, all my good opems are in the middle on like the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 page! Bye, haha I wrotr about ME on YOUR comment, I'm sorry! It won't happen again

  • 21 years ago

    by paddy

    you are a writer
    your work is amazing you commented on a piece of mine
    thank you
    it means alot esp now i've read yours you know what your doing.
    your a fantastic writter don't stop i'll always come back to read more.
    it's from the heart,soul and mind
    i look forward to more brilliant pieces

  • 21 years ago

    by Heart Locket

    Oh gosh that was great!! I read it 3 times! I just thought it was absolutely embracing. I was flooded with emotion. Your so talented!

  • 21 years ago

    by kaysha

    bravo bravo! This poem was wonderfull. im sorry that this situation had to happen, but in a way it made you stronger. Well all learn from our past, dont worry. And on top of that, seriously-its her loss! S***, i mean you sound really sweet and you didnt do anything wrong. Shes the one who made the mistake. Kepp writing!!!!! and check out some of my poems :o)

  • 21 years ago

    by craig

    WOW thanks girls for your kind and sympathetic words. It was a long time ago now, and ive got a few more scars since!!! but your chorus of approval is appreciated. thanks And thanks too chris