
by Simply Complex   Jun 13, 2006

Ever looked a person in the eye
and saw the evil that lurked there?

Ever said to yourself \'Oh my gosh he\'s perfect!\'

Only to learn that all all his words where lies?

Do you know what it feels like to learn the boy you\'ve loved with your whole heart

Never really cared at all?

Do you know what its like to hear him say

\"I love you babe\" to some other girl?

Do you know what it feels like when you spend endless nights

With wet hot tears in your eyes?

Im tired of waiting he\'s lost his chance.

One Morning, i told him, he\'s going to wake up,

And he\'s going to wish i was there

But i wont be and THEN he\'ll care

He\'ll realize what he lost and what he cant get back

And i\'ll be long gone and there wont be a hole in my heart

And no matter how many times he\'s peirced it with his long sharp dart,

He\'s always going to have a special place in my heart.

By: MeLly


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  • 18 years ago

    by Boy

    I realy understand this poem. i know to who we love when they gone without saying anything any reason.. how it is felt then. i realy understand how u feel in this poem..... tht was the deep feelings from your heart. your these feelings touched my heart and a drop of one tear fall from my eyes. gr8 wrk. u have talent. take care

  • 18 years ago

    by anthony

    Great poem.. i have a poem that u might like 2 read called Move On.... because i do believe truelove iz the same anywho as i read on in the poem there was a nice constant flow of uprising emotion... ty :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Tiller

    Wow.. Just Amazing Mel. I love it! You better keep writing cause you're a GREAT poet Mel.

  • 18 years ago

    by thevoice

    I fined that so true keep writing and stay true to your heart

  • 18 years ago

    by The Names Craig!

    Thats awsome cause thats what happens to alot of guys