Its amazing how I can let something
So beautiful, so wonderful, and so magical walk out my life
Tell me how can I let love just up and walk out the door
Keep walkin and not look back
As I watch love walk out my life
I began to watch my life fall apart
I began to feel my heart brake
Brake piece by piece, by piece
Its amazing how I began to miss love
How I want love back in my life again
But I hurt even more because love doesnt miss me
Love doesnt want me anymore
I starting to believe it wasnt true love
If it were true love it wouldnt have walked away
If it were true love I would always have it in my life
As I set and think about true love and how it makes me feel
I wish I had it
So I find it. Finally
As true love stays in my life my heart becomes fuller by the day
By the hour, by the minute and every second of my life
With true love lifes pictures are worth more than a thousand words
So tell me
What do you see with true love?