She's trying

by Rachi   Jun 14, 2006

She said she loved you,
She said she cared,

You gave her false hopes,
Her hearts tied in ropes,

She said she loved you,
She said she cared,

Every time you walked by,
We saw the twinkle in her eye,

She said she loved you,
She said you cared,
And thats why shes so scared,

Scared of letting go,
Even though we told her so,

She says shes trying-
thats why shes crying.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Steph Faragxx*

    Rachi, thanx for writing this it made me happy to know that he is a total losser and that i should try not caring for him even though he did go off with my best mate :P

    Love the poem