Comments : Running away

  • 18 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Aw! that was gr8! u mite wanna edit out all the little â?? things tho, they distract u. gr8 work tho! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Lovely Bones

    Hey.. I just read your post in the forum about your story and I went to reply but it wouldn't let me. Someone delted it for some reason. Anyways, here what I had to say about it:

    I definately recommend that you keep on writing this story. I was entranced the whole time I was reading it. The words and how you explained all of it, I could feel every emotion that Charlotte was feeling. That, to me, is amazing writing. Please keep writing =)

    I put it here, because I wanted to let you know how I felt about it, but there's no link to private message you. Although, for next time, I definately wouldn't put osmething up like that on the forum board, because you never know who's gonna read it, and may steal your idea. But thats just my thoughts. I could be wrong. I really enoyed it though, and I hope you keep it up. Feel free to private message me anytime if you wanna talk about writing or whatever!!

    By the way, this is a good poem, too =) I can relate to a lot of it, and you express yourself very well.

  • 17 years ago

    by The Tears I bleed

    I liked this! this expresses how i feel sumtimes and how i want to just get away too