Our own little world

by The Rising Pheonix   Jun 15, 2006

I cant believe how in love i am with you

You cant believe how lucky you are to have me

I never believed in love before you

You never believed in luck nor love,

I would give my life for you, fail my mission

You are my reason for living, running, laughing smiling, and

Ultimately dieing, i would fail my mission to keep you

When we hold each other we cant let go

Because we don't know

What will happen next

We were hexed, but we found each other

I love you you love me, how more simple can it be?

You will be my last girlfriend, I will be you last boyfriend

We will be married for a long time up to our last breathe

Even after that we will be together

We are lost but holding hands

We were blind but now we see

We see we love each other, some it makes us cry

You are in pain I am in pain

You are happy i am happy

When we met i did not know you, but Little did you know

I handed you my heart on a silver platter,

You could have smashed it, did you

No, you help build it back altogether after it got shattered

What does not kill me makes me stronger

True words Angel Baby, you did not kill me, you made me stronger

Now it is time to say I do, I do take you,

And your problems, your family, your weakness and strengths, as

Do you, lets call it our own little world


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  • 17 years ago

    by HollywoodSmile

    That's amazing. i have one question, though, how can you be so sure?

  • 18 years ago

    by rachelle

    Cute poem :)