They talk about her like she's deaf,
They say thing's that can brake your heart,
For nothing she can do to stop this pain,
To stop the pain growing inside.
The all judge her by her label,
And judge by her dress sense,
She is her and they won't take that in,
For nothing she would do can change her.
I don't see a slit said one moaning girl to the other,
So you can't be emo she replied to her,
The her i have been talking about felt broken hearted and hurt inside,
Her face bright red in shame.
Maybe there were no cut's or marks on her wrist,
But is that all that emo means?
No it's not, for they never knew the true meaning or nature of her feelings deep inside,
So if she was so they said a "Wannabe" then what are they?
Think before you tell someone something,
That might make them feel broken deep inside,
For I'm sure you've felt like this,
Once in your life?
So don't make others feel the same way,
Because if you really cared you'd keep it in and not let it out,
And let them go through the pain and sorrow,
You felt some when in your life.
Just to state and to wipe away my tears,
The she I've been talking about is someone i know dearly,
And that girl is me,
For i am going through this today in every single way..