Every time I was Sad,
you always found a way to cheer me.
Every time I was Mad,
you always found a way to calm me.
Every time I was Lost,
you always found a way to guide me.
Every time I feel like I was going to Fall,
you always found a way to catch me.
Every time I Cried,
you always found a way to wipe my tears.
Every time I felt Denied,
you always found a way to answer my prayers.
Every time I was Hurt,
you always found a way to heal me.
Every time I hear your Words,
you always found a way to speak to me.
Every time I tried to Hide,
you always found a way to expose me.
Every time I felt like Dieing,
you always found a way to stop me.
Every time I Needed Something,
you always found a way to show if I needed it.
Now I give you One Thing,
because You always found a way to my spirit.