The day

by *my heart will bleed*   Jun 16, 2006

Through the day she spends in her room.
she sits listening to music so loud that no one can hear her screaming
at night she she cant sleep she has a guy in her head.
she thinks of the day she had before
the arguments and the screaming
she feels all alone and no one cares
she sits and puts the bit of glass to her arm. she pusses it into her skin deeper and deeper everytime.
she watches the blood trickle down her arm and the voice saying gd girl
she feels forgotten.
and maybe one day she will kill herself.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Mia

    This poem is really good i can relate, if u want to talk just email or something but i really do love ur poems!
    luv mia!

  • 18 years ago

    by Nicole

    If u need a friend u have me. i know what its like to be hurt. u can get through it i know that u can. u are a strong person u need to let other help u get through ur pain it will help.

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