Life is precious

by BlueDreams   Jun 17, 2006

I'd never knew how you'll cared so much
I knew you knew of my dreams
Knew you felt the cause worthwhile
The love lives in you

No Curiosity is what I encourage
I just did not know
I should be the subject of conjecture

Yes, there were wars
And, yes, I learned much
Of inhumanity, greed, jealousy
From lovers to enemies

The cruel things that were said of me
But those who know my best
Knows of my character
The truth, shown before my face

Love is a gift from the heart
And, yes, my son is my heart, my wolf
She, I suppose, represents my spirit
And the beliefs I learned a long time ago

As to helping others
On our meager pages of life's book
We can have fullness or blank
But love of others is a love of self

You ask, why I never say no?
Man is like an animal
Like wolf, loon or eagle
Or can be likened to a wolverine

Helping and caring give us fire
When all seems lost
Likened to holding a loved ones hand
In the hours of their despair

The solitary life, no, I have you,
My friends, the skies, the water
And all that in there reside
Love is a gift of nature

Peace is a gift to the soul
As to being a father
You see each child is precious
Whether one or twenty one

Each a flower like the blooms
You see from the dock
And as to life
What is life if it's not to be loved?

As to protecting
You have made me far more than I am
I am a man, and, yes,
You and the others are worth it

The sweetness of your questions
The innocence of your quest
You give more love
Than the sun gives life

It is not I who is the teacher
For you have taught me trust
You and the others
Gently healing, my spirit pierced

Animals and creatures
Know of love, know of trust
But you and the others
Have given more than I can ever repay

You keep a spirit alive a heart beating
And my dreams alive as to adoption
How I wish I could, adopt you
And each everyone likes you

I don't care about your ethos,
I don't care about your race,
Neither your religion
Nor your professional career

For the gifts of love
Are never burdens, only a joy
But as to being the Creek Keeper
Or a tree hugger

I hope you can see
The greatest recognition
Is that, it's from you
And not from me.

It was really quite touched
And the tears I am shedding now
Are not from sorrow
But of being loved, so much

I don' know how to tell you
Or perhaps ever show
I just want you'll to know
You're always in my heart wherever you go

So, if this seems lengthy
I do apologize for out of the reach,
My friends you have made me realize
Life is so very precious.

Thank you, I love you all.


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  • 18 years ago

    by shadowlight

    Amother fantastically written peice, good flow and strong content throughout which is really well presented. It's fairly long, but really draws in the reader and holds them so that there is no chance of them getting bored.

    fantastic peice


  • 18 years ago

    by Amanda

    Unique and very nice to read. It shows your talent so well and I had to read it twice to take it in cos it was a long one. Beautiful message through a poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by Robie Lincer

    This poem was soo toouching! it was very heart felt too! and it was filled with emotions keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by Princess Love

    This indeed is an awesome poem. Very well written and very heartfelt. A truely excellent write.

    Best Wishes

  • 18 years ago

    by ├Truely_Spoken┤

    Great Poem, I enjoyed reading it- so thanx
    When you have the chance, could you rate my poem “If I”
    Appreciated- Truly Spoken