Our spirits jump in the astral plane.
We float high above natural terrain.
The sky is a pleasant shade of blue.
Outer space is a nice background view.
Soaring higher into the heavens of love.
We hear an eagle screech at morning dove.
We spot a cloud and sit taking a break.
We reflect on the trip that we make.
Far down below creation rushing in flow.
People passing; we wonder where they go.
We take out our picnic baskets of manna.
I peel and offer you a yellow banana.
Just resting on the clouds seems so natural.
We contemplate the wonder of supernatural.
Sometimes your rosy color seems unreal to me.
Life is beautiful when we set our spirits free.
Reality and fantasy can seem so confusing.
But we know we are more than just an illusion.
We feel so happy winking, blinking and nod.
From both sides we kiss the face of God.