by Sean Allen
Pretty good poem, it was very unique and personal. I'd say that My Chemical Romance is actually pretty famous for the type of band they are... if a band has had a music video on MTV, then I figure that counts for some sort of fame. Anyhow, good poem. |
by AnnMarie
Sounds like you wrote this poem for that contest in the forum : ). It was good I personally like chemical romance got and extra point just for that! |
+.+ OMG me 2!! I LOVE them!! They're coming to Auzzie where I live in jan next year, but I fracking got on to buy a ticket and they were all SOLD OUT!!! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! lol. I hope you meet them someday lol. +.+ |
by kelly
Cool. my chem is my fav. band EVER. i luv there music. plus gerard is hot. woot. woot. ♥'s |
by Skater
This is awesome dude mcr rocks and always will and its awesome how you describe it rock music would be nothing without a lil gerard right well keep on rocking out |
by Kyle Sacha
YES!! MY CHEM SAVES LIVES!!! (and they are kinda famous since '01: basement shows, bar shows! rockin' it! *wink*) great job! loved it |