Stolen by Death

by Christie   Jun 19, 2006

And fall down her face are silent tears,
Pain showing thats been locked for years,
Spilling down her cheeks like a river flowing,
An unimaginable grasp of not knowing.

Silently she's looked and stared,
Dwelling on many thoughts unshared,
But glowing smiles to others she shows,
As inside her unhappiness grows.

For IT has graced her with its presence,
Leaving an undeniable absence,
It tortures her soul, slowly breaking her heart,
Pulling her whole world apart.

For HE was her pillar of strength,
But IT went to any length,
To ensure a life of unhappiness and despair,
A cold finality to declare.

When the rythmic beeping all but went silent,
There she was, feeling defiant,
IT would never steal another away,
As she knelt by the place where HE peacefully lay.

© Christie 2006


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  • 18 years ago

    by twisted reality

    Ooo. I think this is a fabulous poem. ^_^ It was very well written. But I think it should be in the 'Dark' categories. It gave me a feeling that no other poem has. It gave me the idea that death is a person. Great literary device, even if you didn't realise it. >.< (Personification) Great write. =) 5/5 xoxo


  • 18 years ago

    by Jennifer

    To be honest if you don't mind the criticism its a fantatsic poem but the very first line doesn't need to really be there...But other than that you are a great writer

  • 18 years ago

    by Sarah Ann

    Great poem, your message came across in a serious of emotional and heartfelt words! I loved it. Thank you for your comment on my poem. Keep it up!