Angel Prayer

by craig   Feb 23, 2004

The clouds graceful glide,
inspires me to write,
a rainbows limpid arc,
lends my pen a spark,
but when describing thee,
creativity flees.

Your soulful love of life,
your sleeping face at night,
your alluring, lithe-like walk,
your enchanting pillow talk,
the playful way you smiled,
left my senses rapt, beguiled.

The wetness of your kiss,
my senses numbed, bewitched,
the smoothness of your breast,
I trembled, breathless,
the way you felt inside,
has never left my mind.

The swiftness of your death,
the silence of your breath,
the limpness of your grip,
the coldness of your lips,
your smashed disfigured face,
no memory has replaced.

That well thumbed photograph,
thats captured you mid-laugh,
our old engagement ring,
(the heartache that it brings!),
your unfinished poetry,
are all thats left of thee.


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  • 21 years ago

    by lawrence

    i like the way you use things of everyday in your poems, especially the line "that well thumbed photograph that captured you mid-laugh." brings a certain realism to it all, making it more personal.

    oh, thank you for your comments! never realised how powerful that line was. you're really sharp - that last verse, it's my head thinking, not the heart...

  • 21 years ago


    by the way great poem

  • 21 years ago


    thnx i'm glad u liked my poem trust no one but it is kinda true well of course u can trust some people forever but their never friends always family but i'm glad u liked it

  • 21 years ago

    by Danielle

    I'm sure you alreayd know what I think about this poem, and ofcourse it's a five, that was simply beautiful :'( wow, I cried, i'm such a baby, haha, but it was a really amazing poem, and i'm truely sorry for your loss, Stay Strong...OK? ANd keep writing, your wonderful!.....Make sure you keep checkin out mine k?

  • 21 years ago

    by Michelle

    OMG...this poem reminds me of the story of a good friend of mine........but I sure hope it's not a true one... :( :( If it is,I'm EVER so sorry, and even if it's not a FIVE for SURE!!!! absolutely beautiful poem...the words you some up I will be looking forward to your next one with..hmmmmm...eager anticipation. How's that?? :) hahaha Luv Michelle