The lie you live

by ..::Angel of your darkness::..   Jun 20, 2006

Take in the breath
That will get you through the day
Count up to 10
And then let it slip away

Try to walk around
With your head held high
What would they say
If they knew you cry

Always say your fine
When you smile to your friends
Because you've got the problems
None of them can mend

Wait till late at night
To watch the mascara follow the tears
Close your eyes tight to make it stop
Say a prayer and hope someone hears

Stare out the window
Find peace in the sky
Keep your thoughts to yourself
Where there safe inside

Look at the normal people
Who pass you by
There so happy and content
And you want to know why

Go back to your room
Where your always alone
Watch the lights go down
Because no ones home

Pull up your knees
Tight into your chest
Close your eyes gently
And try to rest

Wish for something better
Or for someone to see
The tears down your face
The marks that bleed

Open your eyes
Stand up and be strong
Because what would people say
If they knew something was wrong

Take in all those breaths
That seem to get you through the day
Lie to all the people you meet
And tell them you're okay...


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  • 18 years ago

    by joanna

    Dats exactly how i am. i dont want my frends to find out but not cuz dey cant help me but bcuz i dont want dem to be all sad for me.

  • 18 years ago

    by Sora, The Lonely Poet

    This is a wonderful, and very inspiratioal poem. I really like it! <3<3

    Sora The Lonely Poet

  • 18 years ago

    by Erin

    Hold shit this was my favorite poem!!! i loved it ur really talented feel free to check out some of mine. n dont stop writting

  • 18 years ago

    by loretta Taylor

    Angel, you are a fantastic writer, especially for one so young. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by martika

    Omg i love this poem! its really good i love it

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