Comments : Through My Mother's Eyes

  • 18 years ago

    by Fay

    It made me cry , its soo sad and beautiful. I wish ya all the best, god job

  • 18 years ago

    by Brittnee

    *Tear*. I think this poem was obviously deep, but why shoudln't it be.Please dont take this offensive, but it sounds like you got major problems with yourself and your mom. I may not be the one to tell you this, because I dont really know you. but I can sincerly say that Your beautiful for who you are, and when i was reading this poem it sounds like that your mom loves you for who you are too. maybe you should take a second look at this poem/writing and i bet you can feel how much love you have for your mom. i just dont understand why you choose to hide it from her, if (from what the poem said) she has done so much for you. I dont know, thats what i got from the poem. I know your really kool, and i woudln't want someone like yourself to get hurt any more. I may have just got you mad, and if i did I'M SOO SORRY. its non of my business, but your kool and i luv ya. your a good writer, so keep it up.

  • 18 years ago

    by UnderAge Dying

    I know she loves me but there is something inside of me that cant let go because im so insecure that im scared to DEATH that no one will like ME, the REAL me, ya know?

    and this poem is about that frustration about why cant i just fcuking open up!? it doesnt seem that hard but it is because she says stuff to mean i dont know if she means for it to hurt me but it does. like my confidence goes down almost every single time i talk to her because she points out something bad or wrong that i do.
    and im thinking that that^^ is just a wall she had built up because i probably say things to her that hurt her to

    god i dont know.

  • 18 years ago

    by ScarletTears


    Simply beautiful. And I loved it so much. You are definitely not a failure, either.

    There are so many people who look up to you, and not because you're a a failure, but because they care so much about you.

    I heart you.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jackie Marie

    THIS is the sort of stuff that makes a good poem. When you actually put how you FEEL. Excellent. I love it hun. It is full of so much pain and full of raw emotion. I love it hunn. =]


  • 18 years ago

    by Shae

    Good poem. I'm sorry your going through this. But your NOT a failure. NO ONE is!! I use to feel like a failure and like I shouldn't of ever been born all the time. Well, I've realized I wasn't a failure...

  • 18 years ago

    by angelina

    Aww sooo sad i can REALLY relate ... u should read my poem

    mommy, you have gone to far this time

    also i have another one about my mom i am writing today it should b posted soon so you can check in on that if you wish

    i just want to say that you cant really love any one else untill you love yourself and when you do those things (( i do them too)) it just hurts the person that you love more and more

  • 17 years ago

    by Blood Angel

    Wow. If that can cover it. The style you use it amazing by far. You really capture the emotion in the poem. the feeling. the enviroment. And that's what makes a good poet. 5/5