Comments : Exam Stress

  • 18 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    Bloody brillaint Gaillard! i loved it! it was clever and creative, and had a rather cynical and sarcastic humour. i don't know what stanza was my favorite because every stanza was a perfect as the last. this is now added to my favorites of your work.

    love you xx

    P.S. i think i'll go and read it a few more times

  • 18 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    Right, i've just read it again, and although i still can't find my favorite stanza, i can tell you my favorite parts/lines.

    'Nervous coughs and pen tops clicking,
    Constant, the clocks rhythmic ticking,'
    'She seems to be writing pages and pages,
    Just reading the question has taken you ages,'
    'You take a deep breath and start scribbling away,
    But now you've run out of things to say,'
    'You look at the clock, only half hour to go,
    you just start writing all that you know,'
    'and they insist on asking how did it go?
    You simply say 'How am I supposed to know?'
    'Why when you've been through that ordeal,
    Do people ask about how you feel,
    It's simple it's over, I've done my best,
    Now what's on tomorrows test?'

    Now i know that i write the whole of the last stanza but, i still don't think its better than the rest.
    Another thing i liked was the realism. It totally relates to exams, from what the teachers say, to what the pupil thinks.


  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    LOL That was so funny. I used to feel that way! I've learned to deal with the stress better though. heehee nice job! Jpoet*

  • 18 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Well done. I can relate to this from my college days......