by ···ε&Atil Jun 20, 2006
category :
Sadness, depression /
grieving, loss
The lions roar is silent now, no more the crowd to charm and wow. A Scottish lad a Celtic bhoy, to fans and friends a source of joy. No thoughts can soothe no words can tell, the loss of 1 we loved so well. No song no chant enough to sing your rightful praise, lord of the wing. Wheres theres a hoop, where theres a fan they'll proudly boast, i knew that man. I say his skill i saw him play, he played his part that day in may. But now full time, the whistles blown, your game is over, let it be known the time to leave our minds is never, still known as Celtics greatest ever, a tribute small to one so great, who truly knows paradises gate. But earthly loss is a gain for heaven, the lord has got his number 7. GOD BLESS JINKY. |