I Remember. . . .

by xLongxXxLostx   Jun 20, 2006

I remember that night,
Do you?
It was raining so hard;
And we were both so naive.
You told me that you would never leave.
That you were always here for me,
That we would run away,
That we\'d be together some day.

You told me a promise,
Did you forget?
You said we would escape-
We would free ourselves from our lives
And leave it all behind.
We\'d have no regrets.

Forget our pasts and start again.
A whole new life we would begin.
That night it was raining so hard-
I fell in love with you.
And I promised too...

I promised I would never give up;
That I would stay strong
Never let go of your hand.
We would always be together,
No matter what we would always stand.

But we both failed.
Snd you left me alone.
Our hands are no longer together.
And youre not here.
And Ive fell down...

Were still stuck in our mistakes,
Living in our pasts.
We have no where to turn;
We cannot escape anymore.
We have so manny things
We still must fix first.

Im sorry that we didnt succeed.
I want to go back in time,
To that night it rained so hard-
And hold you so tight.
So everything can be right-

But we cant...
We have to face reality now.
Make peace with our pasts,
Live in the present time,
And greet the future with strength.

But always know...
When its cloudy outside,
I start to see your eyes.
When it starts to mist,
My mind takes me back...
And when it rains....

...I remember...

( My frist freeverse-ish...hah.... please tell me what you think of it. )


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  • 18 years ago

    by Serenical Darkness

    Im so priveledged to read that i was completely on the same page through the whole thing im excited to read more.fbplz