With Me Forever

by XxxXLoveless_WristsXxxX   Jun 21, 2006

You are like the Drug I depend on
And suffer without

The Panadol I rely on
To cure my pain

The Caffeine I yearn for
Every morning

The Alcohol I turn to
When I need to escape my problems

The food and water I need
To stay alive

You are like the Scars on my wrist
That won’t fade or go away

With me forever
A part of me


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  • I love your poem. It is so cute but just make sure you get rid of those errors. =] Beautifully written and I could say much more but i'd probably bore you so 5/5 =]
    Much Love,
    Rayne xx

  • 18 years ago

    by X~Angie~X

    Amazing poem i lvoe it. it has alot of emotion put in it. its deep and sad but i like it. i can relate to it. u have talent so keep on writing i will keep reading ur poems.. great job
    take care
    luve angie

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