This is what i would say to my brother...

by trista   Jun 21, 2006

This isn't really a poem.. but what i would like to say to my brother if i got the chance.. i just thought you all might like reading about this...

how could you repeatedly abuse me like you did? I'm your sister.. aren't brothers supposed to protect their sisters? all those times you came into my room and molested me... how could you? didn't you feel any guilt? how could you make a game out of it when i was just a little girl? did you think that i would just never tell any one about your "games"? well guess what? i hope you go to jail and rot there. if they don't send you to jail... thats a bunch of bull $h!t... you molested me repeatedly and it didn't seem to bother you... how could they not send you? thanks for torturing me and making me feel so disgusting. I'm glad i told someone. I'm glad this is over. so i just have a few final words... have fun in jail!

>>my brother sexually abused me for 7 years. i told someone and now he is getting in trouble.. thanks for taking the time to read this.


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  • 17 years ago

    by junior8forever

    Wow oh my gosh that really good poem i was molested by both brothers for 8 years and i was molested by my dad for 5 years so i can relate to ur story i am sorry and if u every need u any to talk to message me any time

  • 18 years ago

    by tomuchhurt

    Omg!! my brother did the same! i can so realate! my bro did it for 6 years and it was sad cause i looked up to him and he made me feel discusting like i wasnt worth anything! i love it!