Know For Sure

by Joy   Jun 23, 2006

I can't sleep at night,
Those chills are running down my spine,
Oh how I really, really wish,
That you were all mine.

I stare at the back of your head,
Every weekend at mass,
I planned on saying hi today,
But I ended up letting you pass.

I want you to feel what I feel,
But I doubt you even think about me,
Why do I have this crazy idea,
That we are meant to be?

Sure I was with him for so long,
But you had her once too,
You don't even know the truth,
And how I really felt about you.

We chased you around with a camera,
That one day at school,
And you never even knew
'Cause we played it so cool.

I was with him at that time,
And even though I cared for him very much,
I still often had thoughts about you,
But I knew you didn't see me as such.

Now I'm no longer with him,
And you've been long gone from her,
Do you think we could have a chance now?
Because I'd like to know for sure.

**I'm taking a risk posting this one...**


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  • 18 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Awww! I can relate as many can. The flow was very good! The rhying was good. I loved the wording. You did a great job on this one! Keep it up!

    Cayce x

  • 18 years ago

    by SilenceBreaksTheHeart

    I can really realte to this I loved it. I agree with was a great poem. Well written, great choice of words, and it flowed perfectly. I loved it, a truly amazing poem.
    Great job.

  • 18 years ago

    by Krissey

    Wow! This is a poem I'm sure all can relate to! At least I know I did..why did you take a risk posting this! Nothing was wrong with it..your rhymes were fine and the stucture of it was ok too! I enjoyed this write!

    P.S could you read "Some kids dont play?"

  • 18 years ago

    by Arcane Blondie

    Good poem-loved all the emotion in it and im sure tonsof people can relate-which is a good thing in a poem! 5/5 keep writing!

  • 18 years ago

    by Jessica

    Awwww.. i can SO relate hun.. i am feeling this way right now.. i am so in love with this guy.. but whenever i am around him.. i act like a complete retard.. lol.. this was great.. the emotion was really strong and clear.. it flowed well and your descriptions were good.. just curious.. why is it a risk posting this? 5/5