Just me

by hm   Jun 23, 2006

Everything do is just another mistake
people who act all perfect is just 2 much 4 me to take

nothing good ever comes my way
living my life just gets worser everyday

i hate looking at myself it kills me inside
theres only1 thing always on my mind and thats suicide

i don't question life only that why i was put here
i just take everyday as it comes no more surprised fear

life couldn't get any worse or any better
so i guess this is just another suicidal letter

its not things that have happened in my life4 why I'm doings this
is that it was nothing and thats why i shall cut my bloody wrist

no more hidden secrets I'm just living in side a lie
that no1 can see till the day i die

I'm not ever gonna say goodbye
just i have 2 sink this boat
that cant be fixed because its filled with 2 many tears Ive cryed


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  • 18 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    Oh yeah and if you don't remember me I use to have the name ~Crying on the outside~Dying within~ okay well hope you're okay...buh-bye!

  • 18 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    Hey you! Do you remember me!?!? It's been a long time sinse we've talked. wow. how are you? I'm okay I guess. well, I'll talk to you later okay...say hi sometime...buh-bye!

  • 18 years ago

    by Robie Lincer

    Thats a good poem! very well written! and always know that how hard life gets we should always try to face it,,, and then everything would be okay,,, we should never think of sucide

  • ...wow really great poem, sad baby, u dont have to hide your sercrets, why do you want to do that? until the day u die? ur such an individual and i love you more than ever. i wish i could help you, i love you, i miss you, i need you, dont leave me....

    your everything to me and so much more
