Captured in the darkness of the night 2

by paddy   Feb 24, 2004

Weaving in and out of the trees
pushing each branch aside
each one scratching
i fall to my knees i pick myself up
i look around me
how long has it been how many hours or even days
i want to sleep
no stay awake
i carry on running
looking everywhere
my heart pounding
i come to a parting of tree's
i push my way through
it's a deserted road
i start to walk
a car comes along and offers me a ride
i get in
the locks go down
the speed goes up
i start to scream to let me out it's no use
the guy puts his foot down
i carnt see his face it's in the shadow
he puts his foot down
the speed goes up







a cliff is nearing
my god no
please no
the speed goes up to


all of a sudden everything goes quiet



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  • 21 years ago

    by craig

    wow lorna, i read this three times and still want to read it again, seriously. you capture that dreamlike state, were everything keeps changing, locations move, people out to get you etc so vividly. is this a dream you had? and the `cant see his face in the shadow` is as chilling as it is clever. a really creepy image that i can see quite clearly in my head. and again your style of poetry, your free form way of writing and the way you use it to dramatic effect when the speedometer is increasing makes me smile with admiration. again you use few words but to a harrowing effect, just like a real dream where nothing is too detailed. top marks lorna5 again. thanks for your kind words you say about my poems, your views are becoming quite valuable to me,x

  • 21 years ago

    by Tineke

    This poem is special, but again great. You have so much talent. Keep writing...