Cobbled streets part 1

by Lucy   Jun 23, 2006

As they climbed the distanced staircase,
The steps creaked aloud,
Upstairs waited their beds,
As they yawn in the night.

Parents lock the door firmly shut,
And shield the windows with blinds,
Round and round goes the key,
To keep them safe inside.

Hours later the moon rose,
And galloping echoed the streets,
The cobbled paths gave a beat,
A continuous trot.

Children awoke from their beds,
And threw open the blinds,
As they watch the trotting horse,
Galloping along the way.

Vibrating doors,
And awoken children risen from their bed's,
Locked windows and flowing blinds,
Will it ever end?

So as it ran,
Around the cobbled street,
Round and round the houses it went,
As fast as you can think of.

A violent scream and petrified children ran down their creaky stairs,
They came to find a broke down door,
And windows a-brake.

For the neighing horse had come to them,
To rip away their souls,
For they were the lucky ones.

The horse wasn't alone,
For a strange man was placed on top,
Crazy hair and guns in each pocket,
With one look off the children popped.

The people of the town called him "The Highwayman",
The one with a dangerous storm,
For every night when the midnight would call,
And the doors would vibrate and the blinds would flow.

The Highwayman would come riding,
In the moon light,
The galloping of the horse that would echo the roads,
And the violent scream the children would let out.

Parents rush them to safety,
And lock them in their room,
Tucked up in bed,
All cosy and worried "Night my sleep head"

Outside the Highwayman would wait,
To hear the rhythm of their worried hearts,
To make sure they're still alive,
To reap and brake apart..


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