My depression

by Willow   Jun 24, 2006

It's gripped me by the heart,
It's gripped me by the head.
It has control of my broken heart, yes both parts,
Now I'm scared I'll end up dead.

My blade used to be shiny and sharp,
But now it's rusty and blunt.
I try to hide it in the dark,
But he pain screams for release so I begin to hunt.

I have talked to close friends,
But I also need to get away from the causes of this pain.
The blade is going to carry my secrets till the end,
Not releasing anything but my hurting shame.

Like flowers fall from a tree,
To land upon the ground with grace.
So does my blood fall from me,
Leaving not with grace but at a steady pace.

My tears mix with my blood,
Causing a red, watery mess to spread.
I don't want to do this to myself,
Because I might end up dead.

I need help to over come my prolonged "blues",
But only Helen and Dominique know this.
I wish someone would walk in my shoes,
Then they would understand I have been caught by the depression kiss.

~:~:~ it"s not finished yet. But will be soon. ~:~:~


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  • 18 years ago

    by Nicole

    I am not in exactly the same thing but i know that everyday gets harder when we're depressed. each day those feelings get stronger when they threaten to overwhealm your body. if u need to talk to someone else i will be here. i understand depression. 5/5 on the poem it is a beautiful expression of emotion, and i love it

  • 18 years ago

    by Flower Child[hippie]

    Very good work its deep and touching i enjoyed reading it i hope all is well