Hates Special Kiss

by Tayler   Jun 24, 2006

You go around pretending
I don't even exist
So i go around giving you
Hates special kiss

We used to have so much
And now I am broken
While you try to wash away
Words you say were never spoken

You are trying to erase
What used to be "we"
And the one who really suffers here
Is the lonely girl...Me

You hardly even care anymore
If I'm dead or I'm alive
And you don't even see
All the deadly tears I cry

And I can't understand
How you used to be great
But really, nowadays
You're the only one i hate

And for you i have this feeling
That's totally brand new
The opposite of how I used to feel
I only hate you


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  • 18 years ago

    by xPerfect Chaosx

    This is such a good poem, I absoutley loved this part

    You are trying to erase
    What used to be "we"
    And the one who really suffers here
    Is the lonely girl...Me

    I totally know how that feels!! It's like they don't care that they tore you up inside!! It's heart wrenching!! I'm sorry you have to go through heart break.. nobody deserves it! Good poem though 5/5! And thank you for the comment on my poem, it means a lot. If you ever need to talk, you can e-mail me at anytime
    Much Love,

  • 18 years ago

    by marcelle

    This is a kick ass poem, now i feel happy that i read it!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Elisa

    This is the story of my life. thnx for contributing your share of poems.