
by nicole   Jun 25, 2006

Sometimes dark as the night sky
looming up above
deep as the galaxy
comes this menacing flood

rolling like the ocean
the window to your soul
clear as crystal glass
light as falling snow

bluer than any ocean
deeper than any sea
no one can understand their secret
your gaze mesmerizes me

sometimes filled with tears
a stream flooded by the rain
but just as quickly they are dry
clear as a sunny day

hard as marble
soft as a dove
slick as steel
fluffy as a baby blanket
by a child once beloved

angry noticed at a stare
something sinister
I detect it barely but its there

you smile even when your sad
but your eyes give you away
brimming with each fake smile more and more one day your tears will dampen the floor and there will they stay

so surprised
so amazed
so neglected
so unphased

light as the tips of the drops of rain
are starlit beautiful
clear dramatic deep disguised
Ive realized are your eyes

a gateway and window to the soul
that is what they say
they must have said that for you
your eyes intrance me so that way


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sarah

    That was soo pretty...and i thought of samuel the whole time for some reason lol will you tell me if theres a pair of eyes in particular it was about sometime? you a good writer with a creative mind so never stop luv ya nicole! God bless,