by Boogie   Jun 25, 2006

I swear, Ill love you with all my heart
Until death gets us apart
No one ever stood up for me like you do
You always helped me through
And even though youre not the only guy I talk to
You mean more to me than anyone of them
For to me, theyre more like a condom
Use for a while, get entertained, then throw away
But you I need by my side every single day
I know that this might probably sound gay
But I wont be able to go on without you by my side
Youre like my angel, here to guide
I cant imagine how my life would be
If you werent always here next to me
All the bullshit I would have gone through
If I have never met you
I know that I constantly make fun of you
But thats only because Im scared to show you
How my love towards you is great and true
And no matter who tries to come between us
Believe me Its impossible to separate us
We belong together
Youre my man forever


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  • 17 years ago

    by mathiax

    AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING POEM!! i really felt the love you have for him in this poem! i think i might know this guy but you have to tell me if its the one im thinking about or not...

  • 18 years ago

    by Boogie

    Lool! its an old poem.. its about 6eez ... but .. thanx anywayz ! =p

  • 18 years ago

    by mathiax

    AWWWWWWWWWWW!!! HOW ROMANTIC!! *tears*!! is this a new poem btw? cause if it is then YOU'VE FOUND YOUR MAN!!! YAAAAY!! LUCKY YOU!!! ikf its not then sorry to hear that he's gone and that you've lot the one who you thought would be THE ONE=(!! anyways bo i hope you have a wonderful life with or without him and always look on the bright side...IM HERE FOR YOU BABE!! lloooooool....i wish i could find mine though=( i HAVE to talk to you!!!
    btw GO RATE AND COMMENT!! 5 or 6 poems are in need of your attention!=p