Sex, violence on TV
What is wrong with me?
Commercials, condoms, sex and crime pulls me in all the time.
What does it all mean to me?
I can escape reality!
Rappers singing "bow wow wow, yippee yo yippee yea", I say, TV is OK!
Oprah, Ricki, Geraldo, Montel and Donahue, who the heck wants to watch you?
Sex, violence on TV. That's the only thing for me.
Comedy is not so funny, drama does not interest me.
Beavis and Butt-head is where its at.
Soap operas are where its not.
MTV is the rage.
Opera, Country is so square, Shakespeare is so very rare.
Tune some on if you dare.
Sex, violence on TV has become a calamity!
Sports yeah! Please beware, using a club to make it fair.
Jordon, Barkley, fly up high, they're super-human, you know why.
Shoot the people, they don't die!
Sex, violence on TV
Your eyes are open, you're too blind to see.
Violence, sex it's ruining me.
When will we say we had enough,
get off your butts and turn them off!
I wrote this in 1994, and it was published in "The National Library of Poetry" -A far Off Place.