Thank you.

by Sophi[e]   Jun 25, 2006

The keyboard at my finger tips,
Him reaching down towards my hips.
Start kissing me with complete passion.
I escape with tight jeans: the fashion.

Alcohol, is it good or bad?
Too over the top? Just a tad.
I hear a knock on the door
Just after falling on the floor.

There he stands; shivering
Here I stand; wondering
Your point is too fake
Well, thats my intake.

He stepped into the hall
Yet again I fall.
Laughing it off I run away
And this is where the jeans take play.

Msn calls, I hear the sound
Typing away is where I'm found.
Ten minutes later he's outside,
Me? I'm the one petrified.

Feeling numb with love I smile,
And sit and wonder for a while.
You came and you saved me
I could of been hurt you see.

Saved by the bell,
And a little yell,
You inflicted pain,
Just never again.

With a thankful kiss and extra fun
You are my only true one.
You got him off, and pulled him away.
For that, I'm thankful each and every day.

Stay around, keep him at bay,
Listen to what I have to say.
I didn't actually want him here,
Don't ever let him come too near.

Be warned with the strange story line,
It's twisted and possibly isn't all mine.
Two men take part,
With one stealing my heart.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Roxy

    Aww thats so sad but also cool.
    i love it you showed the way you felt and put emotion in it

  • 18 years ago

    by Roxy

    Aww thats so sad but also cool.
    i love it you showed the way you felt and put emotion in it

  • 18 years ago

    by Roxy

    Aww thats so sad but also cool.
    i love it you showed the way you felt and put emotion in it