I want

by tiff   Jun 25, 2006

I want out of this drama
So I wont tell people how I feel
because then there will just be questions
And ill just want to disappear

I want me dreams to come true
Because I want my name to be known
Not all the little annoying girl
But as the girl that shown

I want to be alone
But not all the time
I need a little space
And to have my own face

I want to be happy
And laugh all the time
To talk to my friends
But there just to hard to find

I want to be a great writer
Because that it my dream
But people just make fun of me
And say thats just not me

I Want to be confident
And have a reason why
ImI'mired of being me
But thats the only way I know how to be


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  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    "I Want to be confident
    And have a reason why
    ImI'mired of being me
    But thats the only way I know how to be"

    I can relate to this poem in so many ways.
    it really got to me..
    Especially that last stanza..
    Pure raw emotion. Well done